- Prizes & Awards
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- Prizes & Awards

- Prizes & Awards
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- Prizes & Awards

The Battle of Maldon: A New Critical Edition, by Mark Griffith
The Battle of Maldon: A New Critical Edition, by our colleague and SELIM member Mark Griffith, has just been published.
This is bound to become the standard text of that important Old English poem, so don't forget to buy your copy!
A forgotten poem by CS Lewis reveals details of friendships between fantasy writers and medievalists at the University of Leeds.
The 1935 poem, ‘Mód Þrýþe Ne Wæg’, was among a bundle of documents sold to the University’s Special Collections a decade ago.
It reveals Lewis' friendship with the Gordons, a married couple and Leeds medievalists who were also good friends with Lord of the Rings author, JRR Tolkien.
The poem was unearthed by Dr Andoni Cossio, researcher at the University of the Basque Country and the University of Glasgow and SELIM member, when he was exploring the University’s Tolkien-Gordon Collection. It is published for the first time in the Journal of Inklings Studies with a critical commentary by Dr Cossio.
You can download the edition here.
Rafael Pascual consigue 120.000€ de financiación para su proyecto
Enhorabuena a nuestro socio Rafael Pascual, que ha conseguido financiación de 120.000 euros para su proyecto 'Continental Sources of Anglo-Saxon Poetry' dentro del programa Ramón y Cajal. Es una alegría para SELIM que el Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología y de Innovación apueste por la investigación nacional en el ámbito del inglés medieval.
Antonio Bravo, Beowulf: Verso a verso
Antonio Bravo, former SELIM President, presents his new translation Beowulf: Verso a verso at the University of Oviedo.
New Communications manager: Sergio López Martínez
Excellent news. The SELIM Board warmly welcomes Sergio López Martínez as a new member. Sergio holds a PhD in Historical Linguistics, lectures at the University of Oviedo and has been an active member of SELIM since 2015. He is taking over Anunciación Carrera's dedicated work to the Society and will be leading our Communications activities. Best of luck!25/04/2022
A new SELIM Seminar series is inaugurated
Following the success of last year's International Research Seminar, SELIM will be organising four Spring Seminars in OE Linguistics (2022), OE Literature (2023), ME Linguistics (2024), and ME Literature (2025). The 2022 Seminar starts a collaboration with TOEBI which we hope to treasure for long. Registration is free: Seminars.
First Patricia Shaw Memorial Lecture
Great times are ahead. It is our pleasure to announce the establishment of SELIM's Patricia Shaw Memorial Lecture Award in honour of Prof Patricia Shaw (1931-1998), founder and first president of SELIM. We are honoured that Prof. Elaine Treharne (Stanford University) accepted to be its first recepient. Her lecture will be presented at the 2022 SELIM annual conference and published by SELIM Journal.
SELIM calls for papers for its 32nd Conference
SELIM and the local organising committee invite members of the Society and all other scholars interested in medieval English language and literature to participate in its 32nd International Conference at the University of La Rioja on 14-16 September 2022. Information: https://www.selimsociety.com/annual-conference/.
SELIM 2021 International Research Seminar
It feels great to be able to announce that registration for the SELIM 2021 Seminar (29 Sept 2021, 11:00-14:30 CET, via Zoom) is open: https://www.selimsociety.com/annual-conference/. Lectures by Jeremy J. Smith, Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón, and Richard North. An opportunity for the regathering of SELIM members and the welcoming of friends of the linguistic and literary world of medieval England.
SELIM 26 (2021) is out
The Society's journal has edited, sent to the printers and fully uploaded to https://doi.org/10.17811/selim.26.2021 its latest issue. Articles feature the OE soliloquies, ME religious poetry, charms, OE grammar, etc., with notes on OE Orosius, the Exeter Riddles and Beowulf as a graphic novel. Book reviews by Erik Wade, Andrew Breeze, Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Alison Killilea complete the set. Great summer news. Thanks, Jorge and rest of editors!
A parallel corpus of Old English-English
A piece of excellent news for Old English studies coming from our SELIM members. The Nerthus Project, based in La Rioja University, Spain, has just released ParCorOEv2, a fully-searchable online corpus of Old English prose, with c. 100,000 words of parallel text. The project is the product of Javier Martín Arista's initiative and the collaborative efforts of a dedicated group of compilers and system analysts. Register at www.nerthusproject.com/.
Miguel Gomes Gargamala, new member of the Board
SELIM celebrates the arrival of Miguel Gomes Gargamala on the Board. A Senior Lecturer at the University of Sunderland, Miguel has been a committed member of the Society for 15 years now, contributing decisively to the field of Old English poetry and translation. He will be continuing the superb work his predecessor, María José Esteve Ramos, did with student outreach and support. Huge thanks, María José, and welcome, Miguel!
Vol. 25 of SELIM Journal is out for autumn reading!
One year more, the efforts of the editorial board of SELIM Journal have produced a superb issue. Congratulations to Jorge L Bueno Alonso and his team, and contributors Robert E Bjork, Michiko Ogura, Miguel A Gomes Gargamala, Mariano González Campo, María José Carrillo-Linares, Amanda Roig-Marín, Erik Wade. Excellent reviews too! Free access. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17811/selim.25.2020.07/07/2020
Of ye Olde Englisch Langage and Textes now out
Some of the best contributions from SELIM 30 have now seen the light in a volume published by Peter Lang. The compilation tackles aspects of diachronic linguistics, literary and translatorial issues, paleography and codicology. Warm congratulations to editors Rodrigo Pérez Lorido, Carlos Prado Alonso and Paula Rodríguez-Puente.
SELIM 32 postponed
Sadly but inevitably, SELIM 32 Oxford has been postponed to September 2021 due to COVID-19. Follow us on @SelimSociety or visit the conference website for updates on next year's event. Join a wonderful conference on medieval English studies. Thanks to Rachel Burns, Francis Leneghan and Rafa Pascual for the superb work they're doing!25/03/2020
RIP Professor Richard Sharpe
SELIM Society greatly regrets the untimely death of Professor Richard Sharpe. Professor Sharpe was one of the Plenary Speakers at SELIM 31. At the time of his death, he was indexing his Clóliosta and was in talks with editors about his Lyell Lectures on Libraries and Books in Medieval England. Both will be forthcoming next year. We shall treasure the time we spent with him in Valladolid and feel truly honoured to have had with us such an outstanding scholar and human being. R.I.P.
Student Bursaries Scheme 2019-2020 announced
SELIM is pleased to announce its Student Bursary scheme for 2019-2020. Students whose papers have been accepted for inclusion in its forthcoming conference at Oxford can apply if they are members of the Society and do not have a stable source of income. Applications open from 1 February 2020. Further info at Activities.
The Society's sponsorship grants now available
The Society is now accepting applications for the 2020 course and event sponsorship programme. Applications are open for all SELIM members on a first-come-first-served-basis. The application deadline is 31 December 2019. See the Activites page for description of the grants available and terms and conditions.
SELIM 32 to be held at University of Oxford
For the first time in its history, SELIM will hold its annual conference outside of Spain. The University of Oxford will host the 32nd Conference of SELIM on September 24–26, 2020. The theme of the conference will be European Connections and Medieval English Studies.
Old English Syntax and Semantics Symposium
The 2019 edition of the Old English Syntax and Semantics Symposium will be held at the University of La Rioja on November 8-9, 2019. Abstracts must be submitted completely anonymised and in PDF format, by September 30, 2019.
Plenary speakers at SELIM 31
Susan Irvine (University College London), Richard Sharpe (University of Oxford), María José López-Couso (University of Santiago de Compostela), and Anke Bernau (University of Manchester) to deliver plenary sessions at the 31st Conference of SELIM, hosted by the University of Valladolid.
New President and Secretary-Treasurer
Professor Javier Martín Arista (Universidad de La Rioja) has been elected President of the Sociedad Española de Lengua Inglesa Medieval. Dr. Rafael Pascual (University of Oxford) is the new Secretary-Treasurer of the Society.